Work On Meditation

“Work Work Work” by Rihanna is the anthem of today’s society.  In today’s society, media marketing has less than three seconds to get consumers’ attention and with a plethora of options, we consumers are connected digitally all the time—when we walk, run, drive and fly. Getting the attention of the consumer is one problem, the second becomes keeping it.

This is where meditation can come into play and make a huge difference in our lives by helping us reset from the hyper-stimulating world around us. This is the gold that yoga instructors, wellness coordinators and personal development teachers have been focusing on to help our well-connected population reconnect to themselves. Corporate Offices and International airports now include yoga and meditation rooms to aid their employees and travelers in conscious connection while in the flow of the day. 

Everyone can learn meditation with practice. Everyone can learn to relax and calm their minds in a few minutes, and you can build your meditation time with practice.  Meditation can be done in silence, through movement, or with guidance and music. Each person will find their own unique way to begin a meditation practice, but for most, guided meditation is easiest. There are many digital options available like Hay House, HeadSpace, and YouTube. Whatever you desire – there is an option available – if not you create it. 

Meditation can be quite simple and the benefits are well worth the effort. Meditation has been proven to increase focus, feelings of well-being, inner wisdom, insight, gratitude and even mystical experiences. The simplest way to get started is by:

  • Finding a comfortable posture. You do not have to sit a certain way but you need to make sure you don’t fall asleep.
  • Clear your mind. Focusing on your breath can help you quiet your mind.    
  • Sit and observe your own inner sensations. The best way to describe this would be to watch your own movie. As an audience member, what do you observe or feel. Some people use counting or colors of the rainbow when their mind becomes to busy.

When we actually take time to meditate, we find that we are calmer and more present to take action in our lives.  Meditation is like the information highway of our own soul. Meditation helps create that space in our minds so we can be free and flowing.  

Three minutes of your time can change your life, in meditation you may discover a message that was calling to you when you were not listening.

Author Note: 

Andrea Bell is a connective consultant with a background in risk management, insurance, nutrition and wellness. She loves to travel and learn and has been involved in many coaching organizations including Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership, Institute for the Psychology of Eating and Integrative Nutrition. She is in the process of writing her first creative book for teenagers.

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