How to Gently Transition into Fall

Having just passed the equinox, our daylight hours are getting shorter and our warm temperatures are slowly trending downward. After the abundance of activity and blistering heat of summer, fall can feel like a welcome reprieve. However, just like fall gently transitions us from summer into winter, we need to transition our minds and bodies…

The Healing Power of Touch

Touch is one of the very first experiences we have upon entering this world. Skin-to-skin contact helps calm babies, as it releases hormones that relieve stress and help stabilize the baby’s temperature, breathing rate, heart rate, and blood sugar. Babies aren’t the only ones who benefit from touch. Have you ever been feeling down and…

Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

Self-care is super trendy right now and for good reason. Our society is moving faster and demanding more of us every day. We’re asked to produce more with fewer resources and we are running on empty. We have very little to give anyone, and even less to give to ourselves. So, what exactly is self-care?…